Thursday, January 26, 2017


We’ve already seen lots of changes in 2017, and more are still to come... like, a move to Belize!  I finally passed all the required Spanish speaking and reading tests, which means my training here in DC is coming to an end.  After first walking into our “temporary” DC apartment almost exactly nine months ago, it was starting to feel pretty permanent.  But the end is in sight and the countdown to Belize is in full swing.  Our car is already on its way south, and movers come on Monday to pack up our apartment.  We’re going to take a few days next week to get out of town for a little mini vacation and change of scenery (stay tuned for the surprise destination-it’s a great one!) before we fly to Belize on Monday, February 6 and my real job starts.

And so, much like I did before we left Portland, I’ve spent a bit of time this month getting out to see the sights here in DC one last time before we move on.  (I haven’t done A LOT of sight-seeing this month – just whatever I’ve been able to cram in when it hasn’t been freezing and I haven’t been studying.)  On the list have been a couple more walks around Roosevelt Island – my springtime running route – and Arlington Cemetery.
A snowy start to 2017 as seen from our balcony.

Wreaths laid at Arlington Cemetery.

We’ve also been lucky to have a couple last visitors here in DC.  We got to have dinner with our friend Meg and also with our friend Heather while they were in town for work.  Not sure if any of you have work in Belize, but we sure hope so!  Or, at least, we hope you’ll add it to your list of vacation spots over the next couple years.

A visit with Meg brought a little Portland to DC.

And lastly, we’ve been warily watching the changing of the guard here in DC.  Andrew and I joined a few colleagues – and several hundred thousand other like-minded people – in the Women’s March the day after the inauguration.  There was an amazing sense of unity, compassion, and strength in that crowd.  I’ll carry that with me as I start this new career path in this new era.

The Women's March on Washington - proud to have been a part of this historic and unprecedented event.

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