Sunday, April 2, 2017


A year ago today was my first full day in Washington DC.  I spent the day getting my bearings, settling in to my new “temporary” apartment, and preparing for the first day of my new job.  I know for a fact that I was not thinking of where I would be in a year – I had enough on my mind!  But here I am, one year later… in Belize! 

We’ve been here almost exactly two months now, and our new “temporary” house in Belmopan is starting to feel more like home.  The house is furnished, but we are able to bring whatever we like with us to make it our own.  Our things from the U.S. arrived a couple weeks ago – rugs, books, kitchen stuff, clothes, linens, games, you name it.  Andrew had to travel back to the states for a few weeks and was gone the day the moving truck came – well timed, sir!  But getting unpacked kept me busy until he returned, and we’ve been busy getting everything set up since he’s been back.  Except for hanging some art on the walls, I think we’re almost done. 
Who knew we had that much stuff!!??!!??

Our stuff had been in storage at a facility in Hagerstown, MD before getting loaded into these crates, put in this container, and shipped out on a boat to Belize in January.

Empty boxes and a feeling of accomplishment.

And the result!  We're ready for visitors!
Andrew is all settled in to his office/safe room/forensic accountant cage.

On the work front, all is well.  I’m starting to finally get the hang of things (although there’s still lots to learn).  There’s never a dull day, that’s for sure.  I also ended up part of the “first responders team” at the Embassy and had two days of training to learn how to deal with emergency situations.  The training included learning how to wear some very fashionable new attire.
Such a flattering outfit - and very sensible for 100+ degree weather!

Outside of work, there’s no shortage of happy hours and other get-togethers.  The folks I work with are a really fun, welcoming, energetic bunch, and we’ve had a fantastic time getting to know them.
The "Driveway Drinking Club" that meets periodically on a Friday in the driveway of one of the houses on the compound for a potluck and, as the name implies, drinking.

We (unfortunately) don't live on the housing compound.  (I say we're the out-of-towners.)  We would have preferred being there to be closer to the after-hours activities and to take advantage of the pool and other amenities.  But our house is only a couple minutes away, so we still do.
Resort living on the housing compound.

One of the extra-curricular activities is Wednesday nights at the Pig and Parrot, which is a little pub at the British High Commission that opens up on Wednesdays.  We’ve found ourselves there most Wednesdays to enjoy darts, pool, an outdoor patio… and a beer selection that includes more than Belikin.  The deputy high commissioner is a lovely gal who is into birding, and I’ve joined her for a couple outings to start learning about the birds here in Belize.  (Bird nerd alert: several photos of some of my favorites follow.)
Emerald toucanet

Collared trogon

Painted bunting

Black-headed trogon

White-fronted parrot

So, all in all, it’s been a very soft landing here in Belize so far.  If you’d asked me a year ago where I would be and what I would be doing today, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have said “putting on a respirator suit" or "bird watching in Belize.”  Given that, I dare not guess what I’ll be doing a year from today.


  1. Hmm..that suit looks kind of familiar. Didn't I see one just like it in Portland a couple years ago?
    It sounds like a great time and love the idea of the Driveway Drinking Club. Glad to see you guys are settling in. We didn't realize the spouses are locked in a jail once they arrive...probably best for everyone, really.

    1. Excellent observations all around. Yes, I've been pining over a suit like that for some time, and now, it is mine. The accountant is allowed out of his cage occasionally to make sure he's well socialized with others of his kind - he's in NYC for a few days doing just that - but he'll be back on lockdown soon. Hi to all the 3rd Friday-ers! Talk soon!
