Saturday, April 30, 2016


I’ve been here for one month now and am 2/3 of the way through the initial training program.  I’ve done A LOT in these first few weeks – both in and out of work. 

At work, our class was invited to a swearing-in ceremony for the new Under Secretary for Political Affairs in one of the diplomatic reception rooms.  Secretary Kerry gave the remarks and I was 20 feet away!  There were probably a couple hundred people in the room and I occasionally looked around thinking, “Do they know they let ME in here?” 
The diplomatic reception room where we attended the swearing in ceremony.
My new boss!  
Outside of work, my class has continued to pull together fun social events and outings.  Last weekend, a bunch of us went to a Nationals game.  It was a beautiful spring day – perfect for sitting in the sun, talking with new friends, having a beer… oh, and occasionally watching a baseball game.  (The home team won... after a 16-inning, 6-hour marathon.  I made it until the bottom of the 10th before I called it a day.)  Before the game, we gathered at a spot right outside the ballpark called the Bullpen which is a huge open-air area with drinks and music… and cornhole.  An entire field of cornhole with about 20 games going.  These “fields of cornhole” are all over DC.  We went to an indoor bar a few weeks ago that had a giant basement area filled with all sorts of games, including about 15 cornhole lanes.  Who knew?
Go Nats! 
Fields of cornhole.
My friend Meg was in town for a couple days and stayed with me.  She came with me to a happy hour with a bunch of my classmates yesterday evening, and then to a coffee and gelato tasting this morning.  It was organized by one of my colleagues whose family owns a chain of gelato shops here in DC.  The perks of this job just keep coming!  We had a great visit, and I really enjoyed melding my Portland world into my DC world.  I realized I haven’t left Portland behind – I’ve just made my world bigger.
Coffee and gelato - breakfast of champions!
Now, on to the week ahead.  And it’s a BIG one!  On Friday, we’ll find out our assignment – what post we’ll be going to and when – in a ceremony called “Flag Day.”  It’s called that because we get presented with a little flag of the country we’ll be going to.  Family and friends are invited to attend, and Andrew and my parents will be coming.  I’m glad they’ll all be here to help celebrate!  …or to provide emotional support.  J

I have a poll going at the very bottom of the main page of this blog (on the web version – not mobile view) where you can cast your vote as to what continent we’ll end up on.  Mark your calendars and plan to check back here on Friday to see if you’re right!  I’ll be sure to announce our destination on here that evening.  In the meantime, keep your fingers crossed for us…

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