Sunday, April 3, 2016


I was fortunate to be able to spend the month of March doing many of the things I love to do in Portland with many of the people I love doing them with.  I revisited favorite restaurants and bars, played (and won!) pub trivia, karaoke-ed, hiked in Forest Park and the coast, and made a dent in our wine inventory – all while spending time with the fantastic friends I made over the last 12+ years in Portland.  It was a great way to say goodbye (for the time being) to Portland and all the people – and dogs! – I love there. 
Trivia champions!  Ironic... since our team's name was "We Are Number 2"
Andrew busting out a karaoke tune
Towards the end of the month, movers came to pack up most of my clothes and personal items for the apartment in DC, and I packed up what was left last week.  (Not an easy task, and it required some furious last-minute repacking at the airport to stay in the checked bag weight limits.)  I had breakfast at the airport with Andrew (who will join me in DC next week) and my parents before boarding my one-way flight to DC on Friday morning.  Waiting in line for security was the first time I’d gotten a lump in my throat all month.  But it really was fleeting because (1) I know I’ll be back to Portland, (2) I know I’ll keep in touch with my friends there, and (3) I truly am excited to find out what lies ahead for us here in DC and beyond!
Mts. St. Helens and Adams sent me on my way to DC...
...and the Washington Memorial greeted me.

Everything has gone amazingly smoothly so far (knock wood!)  I was checked into my new “home” in DC (or, actually, Arlington, VA) less than an hour after landing at the airport, and I spent the evening unpacking and settling in.  It seems to have everything we’ll need to be comfortable while we’re here, and it is in what seems to be a very handy location.
View from our balcony!
Yesterday, I tested out the Metro, checked out the Lincoln Memorial (and some guide dog puppies who were training there), happened upon a free National Park Service tour of the Jefferson and Roosevelt monuments, and walked back to the apartment via Georgetown.
My new office.
The Lincoln Memorial... and guide dogs in training.
The cherry trees are just past peak.
A happy hour has been organized for the incoming class this afternoon.  I love that.  First things first: happy hour.  I’m looking forward to finally putting faces to the names of the folks I’ve “met” through the google group that was set up for our class.  Tomorrow is a day of intake and processing at the main State Department building in DC.  After that, I’ll spend most of my time training at the Foreign Service Institute in Arlington, a few miles – or a short State Department-provided shuttle ride – from my apartment.  Easy peasy.

All in all, everything is off to a great start here!  Fingers crossed for more of the same during the next steps…


  1. So far so good huh? Glad to know you landed safe and sound. Let the games begin!
