Sunday, November 8, 2020


2020 has been a tough year all around – COVID, wildfires, a nasty election… murder hornets!  But the last 30 days have given me hope that we might turn this around yet.

First up, I got tenured.  That means the Foreign Service is stuck with me.  It’s a nice box to have checked and not have to think about any more.  And along those same lines, the election results should make my job a bit easier.  Hard to try to call out another country on governance issues and human rights violations when we’ve had such disastrous and distressing events going on in the U.S.  I have hope that we may start to turn a corner under a new administration.

And more exciting news to report.  We found out my next assignment will take us to …drumroll… Jakarta, Indonesia!  With tenure under my belt, I’m now considered a “mid-level” officer, which allows me to apply for jobs I want to do rather than being directed to jobs as an “entry-level” officer.  So my job in Indonesia will be a “Science and Technology Officer” and I’ll get to work on issues like air pollution and marine debris (i.e., plastics and discarded fishing gear clogging up and harming wildlife in the oceans).  I’ve been playing the long-game here waiting for the opportunity to finally get to work on issues that I’m really interested in (and feel like I know at least a little bit about), so I’m looking forward to this.  Of course, the job will entail learning Indonesian (HAHAHAHA!), so once I finish up my job in Zimbabwe in May/June next year, we’ll be back in the states for a year of training in Washington DC before heading to Jakarta in summer 2022.  Hopefully by then COVID will be a distant memory, and we’ll get to take full advantage of our location to fully explore SE Asia.  We’ll be there for three years, so plenty of time to plan your visits!

The Jakarta skyline.  From Belmopan (population: 18,000), to Harare (population: 1.5 million), to Jakarta (population: over 10 million).  This will be a new experience.

Looking forward to exploring the the inland areas...

... and the martime islands too!

In the midst of it all, I hit another milestone.  I turned 50.  COVID tamped down Andrew’s original plans to gather friends for a safari, but he still pulled off a fantastic series of celebrations:  a hike up Domboshava – a big granite outcrop on the outskirts of Harare – to watch the sun go down on my birthday eve, and a super fun 80s-rock-band themed lunch with several friends that evolved into a dance party on my actual birthday.  He also doted on me with flowers, balloons, and some local arts and crafts to remind us of our time in Zim.  Definitely a 50th birthday to remember.

Enjoying "sundowners" (a gin and tonic, or two) on top of Domboshava.

Watching the sun set on my first half century.

All smiles on my birthday eve.

My 50th birthday lunch.  Rock on!

Let the dancing begin!

Andrew the rock star.  He pulled off an awesome birthday celebration!

We gathered with those same friends to watch the election finally get called for Biden last night and see the dawning of a new era that will include our first female VP.  Finally.  Another moment to remember, and definitely a long time in coming.  It’s a milestone that I’m hoping will help usher out 2020, which I think all can agree has been heartbreaking and devastating the world over.  Looking forward to a new year with renewed hope, optimism, and kindness. 

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